Events Calendar

Arena Closed for The Randox Grand National Festival 2025 @ Aintree Racecourse
Mar 10 – May 1 all-day
Arena Closed for The Randox Grand National Festival 2025 @ Aintree Racecourse | England | United Kingdom


Held at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool and run over the iconic fences, the Randox Grand National is the race the world stops to watch.

The Randox Grand National Festival is not just about the Saturday showpiece race – three days of top-class racing take place from Thursday 7 April to Saturday 9 April 2022, featuring nine Grade One races, before culminating in the greatest steeplechase of them all.

Watched each year by more than 500 million people in more than 140 countries, the Grand National is a race like no other, and sees its 40 competitors take on Aintree’s unique and world famous fences.

The Equestrian Centre will close on Monday 3rd March for
The Randox Grand National Festival 2025

We will re-open in May 2025

Racing at Aintree – The Randox Grand National Festival 2025 @ Aintree Racecourse
Apr 3 @ 10:00 am – Apr 5 @ 7:00 pm
Aintree Unaffiliated Showjumping @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre
May 3 all-day
Aintree Unaffiliated Showjumping @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre | England | United Kingdom



All unaffiliated show jumping competitions will be held under current BSJA Rules.

Horses/ponies must only be entered once in each class.

Competitors entering the Junior Cross Pole class are only eligible to jump in the Cross Poles and 50cm classes.


Junior Classes – Under 16 years on a pony ONLY.

Senior Classes – Under 16 years on a horse OR over 16 years on a pony (if over 16 years on a pony, be aware courses are set to horse strides)

Spurs are not permitted for Junior riders.

Appropriate competition dress must be worn by all competitors.

Date Saturday 3rd May 2025
Entries Open Entries are open
Entries Close

Friday 2nd May 2025

(Please note, entries may close early if we reach capacity)

Schedule  Please see the bottom of this page
Online Entries


(available Friday 2nd May pm)

Refreshments Tophams Cafe, overlooking the arena, will be open serving hot food and drinks
Prize Money

Prize Money Notice

Anyone that wins prize money at Aintree International Equestrian Centre needs to update their BACS details on their horse monkey profile.

This information will then be used to transfer the prize money to their bank account.

Please note: It is the competitor’s responsibility to provide bank details in order to be paid prize money. Bank details must be provided via HorseMonkey within 14 days of the event, otherwise prize money will be forfeited.

Vaccination Policy As per our Terms & Conditions, all horses/ponies competing at Aintree Equestrian Centre must have had a booster vaccination against Equine Influenza in the PRECEDING 12 MONTHS. 
They must also be 6 days clear of any vaccination and may attend on the 7th day.
Your co-operation and understanding is appreciated.


JUNIORS Start Time: 8.00am or 9.00am

Juniors not to have attained their 16th birthday on the 1st January of the current year, and should be riding a pony (14’2 and under). If Juniors are riding a horse (14’3 and over), they need to ride in the Senior class.

Class 1:             Junior Cross Pole class
Height: Cross poles     Table: A6 (not against the clock)  All double clears win a first rosette (Lead rein is permitted to under 8s, directional assistance re the course is permitted INSIDE the arena for juniors who have recently come off the lead rein, helping to prevent possible run-outs and refusals is not permitted)
Rosettes : All double clears win a first rosette   Online Pre-Entry: £17

Class 2:            Junior 50cm
Height: 50cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17

Class 3:            Junior 60cm
Height: 60cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17

Class 4:            Junior 70cm
Height: 70cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17

Class 5:            Junior 80cm
Height: 80cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17

Class 6:            Junior 90cm
Height: 90cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17

As a guide, Seniors usually start around 1pm but it is dependant on entry numbers.

Class 7:            Senior 60cm
Height: 60cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17

Class 8:            Senior 70cm
Height: 70cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17 

Class 9:            Senior 80cm
Height: 80cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17

Class 10:            Senior 90cm
Height: 90cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17

Class 11:            Senior 1.00m
Height: 100cm        Table: Single Phase
Prizes: £20, £10, £5 (Rosettes to 6th place)   Online Pre-Entry: £17

* Classes may be run Two Phase if we have large entry numbers * 

Services First Aid per Rider/day (Mandatory, 1 per rider/day) – £5.00

If you have any questions or queries about the show, please email and we will be happy to help.

Tel: 0151 522 2949

First Aid Charges – First Aid is provided by an external provider, so a charge will apply

Rules are run in the same format as British Showjumping

Geoff Billington Showjumping Clinic @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre
May 7 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Geoff Billington Showjumping Clinic @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre | England | United Kingdom
Event name Showjumping Clinic with Geoff Billington

A fantastic opportunity for a private lesson with top showjumping coach Susie Gibson, UKCC Level 3 Coach, Educator and Assessor.

Lessons open to all levels. 

Date: Wednesday 7th May 2025
Time: 9am – 5pm
Online entries: 

Individual 1 hour lesson with Geoff – £140 per horse & rider (£40 booking fee, £100 paid to Geoff on the day)

Shared lessons (2 people) – £75 per horse & rider (£20 Booking Fee & £55 paid to Geoff on the day – per horse and rider)

Vaccinations: All horses ATTENDING BUT NOT STABLING at Aintree EC must have had a booster vaccination against Equine Influenza in the PRECEDING 12 MONTHS, and be 6 days clear of having had any vaccination. PLEASE HAVE YOUR PASSPORT AVAILABLE FOR CHECKING.

Unaffiliated Dressage @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre
May 10 all-day
Unaffiliated Dressage @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre
Date Saturday 10th May 2025
Entries Open Opening soon
Entries Close

Monday 5th May – Entries will close early if we are full

(Late entries may be accepted subject to class numbers and incur a £5 late entry fee.)

Online Entries
Times (will be released on Thursday 8th May)
Refreshments Tophams Cafe, overlooking the arena, will be open serving hot food and drinks.
Rosettes Rosettes will be given to those placed 1st-6th in each class.
Vaccination Policy As per our Terms & Conditions, all horses/ponies competing at a competition at Aintree Equestrian Centre must have had a booster vaccination against Equine Influenza in the PRECEDING 12 MONTHS. 
They must also be 6 days clear of any vaccination and may attend on the 7th day.
Your co-operation and understanding is appreciated.
 Secretary: Carly Sage
Phone: 0151 522 2949
Venue: Aintree International Equestrian Centre, Aintree Race Course, Ormskirk Road, Aintree, Liverpool, Merseyside, L9 5AS

Aintree Racecourse is located on the A59, just one mile from the M57 and M58, which link the M62 and M6. Follow the A59 to Liverpool and the AA Signs as you approach the racecourse for routes to the car parks.

Getting into dressage…

Aintree’s Unaffiliated Dressage is a stress free environment for those starting out, or wanting to have a little fun.

Classes are run under BD rules, to ensure a level playing field for all of our competitors.

Saturday 10th May 2025

Class 1: Intro TBC – £ 17.00
Class 2: Intro TBC – £ 17.00
Class 3: Preliminary TBC – £ 17.00
Class 4: Preliminary TBC – £ 17.00
Class 5: Novice TBC – £ 17.00
Class 6: Novice TBC – £ 17.00
Class 7: Elementary TBC – £ 17.00
Class 8: Elementary TBC – £ 17.00
Classes will be split between Juniors & Seniors – Juniors to be aged UNDER 18.
Racing at Aintree @ Aintree Racecourse
May 16 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
NEDZ Spring Showing Festival @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre
May 17 – May 18 all-day
NEDZ Spring Showing Festival @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre | England | United Kingdom
Saturday 17th May – Sunday 18th May 2025
Time 8am/9am depending on entries
Category Showing
Entries Open Open – Late entries being accepted
Entries Close 12pm on Thursday 15th May
Status Open
Spectators This event is FREE to come and watch. No ticket required. Please park in the racecourse car park to access the Equestrian Centre. Spectators are welcome to use Tophams cafe which will be open throughout the show
Online Entries

In Hand Ponies – TBC

Ridden Ponies – TBC

In Hand Horses – TBC

Ridden Horses – TBC

Back Numbers To be collected from the Show Office on the day
Times and Entry Numbers
Stabling Stabling is not available for this show
Competing vaccination policy All horses ATTENDING BUT NOT STABLING at Aintree EC must have had a booster vaccination against Equine Influenza in the PRECEDING 12 MONTHS, and be 6 days clear of having had any vaccination. PLEASE HAVE YOUR PASSPORT AVAILABLE FOR CHECKING
Refunds No refunds will be issued once entries have closed
Refreshments Tophams Cafe, overlooking the arena, will be open serving hot food and drinks


British Dressage 2 Day Show @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre
May 21 – May 22 all-day
British Dressage 2 Day Show @ Aintree International Equestrian Centre | England | United Kingdom
Date Wednesday 21st – Thursday 22nd May 2025
Entries Open Entries open
Entries Close

7th May 2025 at 10pm. Late entries may be available, subject to a £5 late entry fee

(Please note – Entry closing dates are subject to availability, entries will close early if we reach capacity)

Online Entries
Times (will be released on Monday 19th May)
Refreshments Tophams Cafe, overlooking the arena, will be open serving hot food and drinks.
Prize Money

Prize Money Notice

Anyone that wins prize money at Aintree International Equestrian Centre needs to update their BACS details on their horse monkey profile.

This information will then be used to transfer the prize money to their bank account.

Please note: It is the competitor’s responsibility to provide bank details in order to be paid prize money. Bank details must be provided via HorseMonkey within 14 days of the event, otherwise prize money will be forfeited.

Vaccination Policy As per our Terms & Conditions and those of British Dressage, all horses/ponies competing at a BD competition at Aintree Equestrian Centre must have had a booster vaccination against Equine Influenza in the PRECEDING 12 MONTHS. 
They must also be 6 days clear of any vaccination and may attend on the 7th day.
Your co-operation and understanding is appreciated.

BD Vaccination Rules

11. Equine Influenza Vaccination
To protect the health of the other competing horses and the biosecurity of the venue, a valid passport must accompany the horse to all competitions and be produced on request. Failure to comply is a disciplinary offence and will debar the horse from competing at the event for which it has been entered.

A horse will not be permitted to
compete unless it has a current vaccination against equine influenza which complies with the following conditions:
• An initial course of two injections for primary vaccination, not less than 21 days and not more than 92 days apart, are required before being eligible to compete
• A first booster injection must be given between 150 and 215 days after the second injection of primary vaccination
• Subsequent booster injections must be given at regular intervals of no more than 12 months, commencing after the first booster injection
• The full course or booster must have been administered at least 7 days before arriving at the competition
The vaccination record(s) in the horse’s passport, must be completed, signed and stamped line by line, by an appropriate veterinary surgeon (who is neither the owner nor the rider of the horse).

In the interests of equine welfare and to maintain optimum protection levels for your horse, it is strongly recommended that the most recent booster injection is given within six months + 21 days prior to the horse competing.

For those competing under FEI rules, please refer to FEI rules. The responsibility to comply with this rule lies with the competitor, who should consult with their veterinarian.

Horses being found without adequate and up to date vaccinations will not be allowed to compete and will be barred from competing until such a time that they have been given their first and second vaccinations. The registration of any horse found in breach of this rule will be suspended until rectified.

Secretary: Laura Way
Phone: 0151 522 2949
Venue: Aintree International Equestrian Centre, Aintree Race Course, Ormskirk Road, Aintree, Liverpool, Merseyside, L9 5AS

Aintree Racecourse is located on the A59, just one mile from the M57 and M58, which link the M62 and M6. Follow the A59 to Liverpool and the AA Signs as you approach the racecourse for routes to the car parks.

No prize money 1-4 starters
1st place 5-8 starters
2nd place 9-12 starters
3rd place 13-16 starters
4th place At organiser’s discretion


Spring PoP Festival
May 24 – May 27 all-day
Spring PoP Festival


Date Saturday 24th – Tuesday 27th May 2025
Time 8.00am or 9.00am depending on entries
Category British Showjumping Juniors and Club Classes
Competitor Information  
Entries Open Coming soon!
Entries Close

Entries close at midnight Thursday 22nd May

(Entries are likely to reach capacity and close early so please enter in advance)

Status Coming soon!
Spectators This event is FREE to come and watch. No ticket required. Please park in the racecourse car park to access the Equestrian Centre. Spectators are welcome to use Tophams cafe which will be open throughout the show
First Aid (per rider, per day)

Temporary Stable (including ONE bale of bedding) – Duration
Permanent Stable (including 2 bales of bedding) – Duration
Premium Stable (including 2 bale of bedding) – Duration

Hook-Up – Duration
Bale of Shavings
Small Bale of Hay
Small Bale of Haylage
Hostel Accommodation – Duration (Sleeps 4)
Online Entries and Stable Bookings

Times and Draws
Evening Entertainment There will be plenty of entertainment for both adults and children throughout the weekend!
Vaccination policy if stabling

As per our terms and conditions, all horses STABLING at Aintree EC must have had a booster vaccination against Equine Influenza in the PRECEDING 6 MONTHS, and be 6 days clear of having had any vaccination.

The last vaccination must have been between the 23rd November 2024 and 17th May 2025.

ALL PASSPORTS WILL BE CHECKED ON ARRIVAL. Horses will not be permitted to stable at Aintree if they do not have the correct vaccinations

Vaccination policy if competing All horses ATTENDING BUT NOT STABLING at Aintree EC must have had a booster vaccination against Equine Influenza in the PRECEDING 12 MONTHS, and be 6 days clear of having had any vaccination. PLEASE HAVE YOUR PASSPORT AVAILABLE FOR CHECKING
Refunds Refunds will not be processed once the drawn orders have been published. No stabling, hook up or accommodation refunds 21 days prior to the show – Saturday 4th May. If we are able to re-sell your stable, you will be issued with a refund.
Prize Money

Prize Money Notice

Anyone that wins prize money at Aintree International Equestrian Centre needs to update their BACS details on their horse monkey profile.

This information will then be used to transfer the prize money to their bank account.

Please note: It is the competitor’s responsibility to provide bank details in order to be paid prize money. Bank details must be provided via HorseMonkey within 14 days of the event, otherwise prize money will be forfeited.

Refreshments Tophams cafe, which overlooks the arena will be serving hot food and refreshments throughout the show.
Talent Competition Information coming soon
Show Merchandise


Harry Hall One Club – ACE Championships
May 29 – Jun 1 all-day

The Harry Hall One Club
ACE Championships

Date Thursday 29th May – Sunday 1st June 2025
Time 8.00am or 9.00am depending on entries
Category British Eventing – ACE
Entries Open Entries coming soon!
Entries Close Thursday 22nd May at midday

Thursday 29th May – Seniors Warm Up

Friday 30th May – Seniors Championship

Saturday 31st May – Juniors Warm Up

Sunday 1st June – Juniors Championship


This event is FREE to come and watch. No ticket required. Please park in the racecourse car park to access the Equestrian Centre. Spectators are welcome to use Tophams cafe which will be open throughout the show

Competitor Information
Online Entries 
Stable Bookings

Times and Draws


1 night – £60 (inc 2 bales of bedding)

2 nights – £85 (inc 2 bales of bedding)

3 nights – £105 (inc 2 bales of bedding)

Day stabling – £40 (inc 1 bale of bedding)

Hook Up

1 night – £35

2 nights – £50

3 nights – £60


1 night – £50

2 nights – £100

3 nights – £150

Additional Items

Shavings – £11 per bale

Small hay – £8 per bale

Small haylage – £11 per bale

Vaccination policy if stabling

As per our terms and conditions, all horses STABLING at Aintree EC must have had a booster vaccination against Equine Influenza in the PRECEDING 6 MONTHS, and be 6 days clear of having had any vaccination.

The last vaccination must have been between the 28th November 2024 and the 22nd May 2025.

ALL PASSPORTS WILL BE CHECKED ON ARRIVAL. Horses will not be permitted to stable at Aintree if they do not have the correct vaccinations

Vaccination policy if competing All horses ATTENDING BUT NOT STABLING at Aintree EC must have had a booster vaccination against Equine Influenza in the PRECEDING 12 MONTHS, and be 6 days clear of having had any vaccination. PLEASE HAVE YOUR PASSPORT AVAILABLE FOR CHECKING
Refunds No stabling refunds after Monday 19th May, although we will try and resell the stables if possible. If the stable is resold, we will then issue a refund. No refunds of entries once entries have closed.
Prize Money

Prize Money Notice

Anyone that wins prize money at Aintree International Equestrian Centre needs to update their BACS details on their horse monkey profile.

This information will then be used to transfer the prize money to their bank account.

Please note: It is the competitor’s responsibility to provide bank details in order to be paid prize money. Bank details must be provided via HorseMonkey within 14 days of the event, otherwise prize money will be forfeited.

Refreshments Tophams cafe, which overlooks the arena will be serving hot food and refreshments throughout the show.


ACE your eventing skills with BE this winter!

An exciting new Championships culminating at Aintree Equestrian Centre

Harry Hall One Club – Anyone Can Event (ACE), is an Arena style eventing competition designed to appeal to riders of all ages and experience that gets underway this autumn.

The new series will run throughout the winter months and into spring providing riders with the ideal opportunity to get out, develop their skills and enjoy competing during the shorter daylight hours. A range of height classes will be offered from 70cm up to 1m and will be available to anyone aged 10 upwards, helping to encourage younger riders into the sport.


ACE qualifiers will be run at a range of venues across the UK and will be open to all. Riders will not need to be members of BE to take part in the qualifiers. Qualifying legs will offer competitors the chance to pick up a coveted qualifying ticket for the Championship Finals – offering a fabulous four-day celebration of ACE competition, set to be held this spring at the stunning Aintree Equestrian Centre in Liverpool.


To compete at the Championships, riders must have an active membership (minimum PAYG). The horse/pony details will need to be registered on the BE website, this is free of charge.

The Harry Hall One Club ACE Championship Finals will take place across the 29 May – 1 June with Seniors contesting their four national titles (70cm, 80cm, 90cm & 100cm) over the Thursday and Friday (29 – 30 May) and Juniors over the weekend of (31 May – 1 June).

  • Competitors who qualify for the BE ACE Championships 2024 at Aintree Equestrian Centre will receive a British Eventing ACE Championships 2025 qualification card from the ACE competition Organiser, followed by an email from British Eventing.
  • Qualification is for combinations only. Substitutions will not be possible. If a combination is qualified for all 4 Championships, their Championship entries will be limited to the 2 higher level classes.


Riders will compete in their cross country kit, including cross country colours & body protector, and will take on a course of show jumps followed by a simulated cross country course of knock-down fences.

Classes are split into two age ranges, seniors and under 18’s (U18). Whilst the qualifiers will see age groups compete together, the Championships will see the two age categories split. Those competing in the U18 classes are not to have attained their 18th birthday on or before the date of the Championships.

Senior and Junior riders are permitted to ride both horses and ponies.